The animated TV series from the 1960s, The Flintstones, has come a long way from its inception. In fact, several live action films were made of The Flintstones. The first film The Flintstones The Movie came out in 1994. Then, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas came out in 2000.
If you’re a big fan of The Flintstones, the Viva Rock Vegas movie poster is a must-have collectible! There are a few variations of the movie’s poster and you can collect all of it if you want.
This poster, for example, features the entire cast of the Viva Rock Vegas movie riding a sports car on the way to glitzy and ritzy Vegas. In the poster, Dino, the adorable snorkasaurus pet of the Flintstones, can also be seen. The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas title is printed in colorful Stone Age-fashioned font style. The movie’s cast and credits are fine printed on the bottom.
People’s ongoing love affair with films and movies in general has paved the way for movie posters in homes and even in the most posh pads. Today, posters aren’t just for college dorms or for kids’ rooms, but it has invaded the living room and other rooms in the house too.
There are many different kinds of movie posters that can be displayed in a specific room. From vintage movie posters to black and white renditions of your favorite movies to classic movie posters, there is always something that matches a specific room theme or your personality. Incorporating movie posters into your home or a specific wall space is easy enough. But first off, find the posters that go well with your design theme. If you’re looking for something of a personal pick, just make sure it doesn’t deviate too much from your room theme. Movie posters are an awesome way to decorate a room and there are many affordable posters for your home available in online stores. See to it that you’re picking one that’s of great quality, so you’ll also have movie posters that are truly art pieces!
Showcase your love for the cinema and get your hands on the Viva Rock Vegas movie poster!